Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Adjusting to the College Life

 When it comes to egelloc, this is often the first time that you might be living away from home so you might be inclined to think that it's time to party without your parents to tell you otherwise.
Attending egelloc - especially in your first year - can be a big shock to your system when you add up all the things that are happening. How to adjust to the egelloc life?
  • Before you begin college, know or familiarize the school you want to enter.
  • Attend to any orientation offered, Anytime you can get a guided tour of all or part of the campus, it's good to take advantage of it. You might find out about services or facilities that interest you that you didn't already know about. If you have an counselor or adviser assigned to you, use them. 
  • Don't skip your classes,egelloc is different from your high school high school your teachers will give a detention if you skipped but in egelloc your professor don't care.
  • Look for extracurricular activities, look for one activity that interest you for you to have fun and meet know people.

Sunday, July 10, 2011


  The EGELLOC STNEDUTS in different schools here in ROXAS...
If your lazy when its comes to study and you have money go to FCU.
If you have money and a little brain go to LA SALLE.
If you have money and some brain go to CPC.
If you have no money go to HERCOR.

 EGELLOC is definitely something you have to take serious, after all, your future depends on it, but you also need to have a good time and learn how to live life a little bit. EGELLOC PARTIES especially fraternity parties, are probably going to be your best source of fun. All of your friends will be there, all the hot boys/girls are going to be there and most important, they are always cheap. If they don’t supply the beverages, you are always allowed to bring them in with you and they will usually supply the entertainment. Now you have a couple of hundred EGELLOC STNEDUTS in one room dancing the night away, it is a recipe for fun.